Photo by: AMORIE SAM
Davis was beyond excited as he carried his latest book purchase home. At last, his favourite author, Karen Mcelmore, had released her latest book Murder By Coincidence. He had loved her murder mysteries since the first one, The Errant Clue, had arrived years ago.
When he made it home he flopped down on the couch without removing his shoes and coat, all the while ripping at the paper bag. There was too much reading to do to worry about the trivialities of life.
He excitedly devoured the first page feeling a small twinge at the back of his brain. Karen had set up the first page so thoroughly.
Ignoring this twinge he rushed on to the second page with great enthusiasm when a little larger pang followed the twinge. Already he could see the mystery was a foot.
He blinked twice and kept on reading. As he discovered the victim on the third page, a dull pressure was forming behind his eyes.
A locked room with the victim face down on the floor was on the fourth page where Davis’ eyes endured a greater pressure. His eyes bulged as he tried to maintain his focus on what he was reading.
Davis soldiered on oblivious to all around him. He was fascinated as he followed Karen’s enchanting words. “The flame faded in the night sending shock waves throughout the body.” His body shook slightly upon reading these words.
The dull roar had turned to a full on headache by the sixth page where the man with little grey cells had entered the room. Davis had considered taking an extra strength aspirin for this headache but had determined that despite the pain he would soldier on. Karen deserved that consideration. She would power through it. As the man with the little grey cells observed his initial view of the scene one could see the machinations at work.
By the seventh page Davis was slumped face down on top of the book with blood gushing out of his ears and eyes
As the man with the little gray cells examined the murder scene he stated, “Murder By Coincidence? I think not. I am surprised that he lasted only 7 pages.”
Karen smiled fatefully when she heard this. She turned her attention towards who the next person was that had just purchased her book.
Clever. I liked it. I also like the little reference.